Storage in computer systems
The storage device is a piece of hardware that stores information. Every desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone will have some form of storage device contained within it. You can also buy external storage drives that can be used for multiple devices.
Storage is needed not only for the storage of files, but also for the execution of tasks and applications. Any file you make or save on your computer, as well as any programmed you use and the operating system you use, is saved to your computer's storage unit. Data storage systems have developed significantly in tandem with technological advancements. Storage devices are also available in a variety of sizes and shapes. Digital storage is calculated in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), and, more recently, terabytes (TB).
Some computer storage devices can store data indefinitely, while others can only store data temporarily. Every machine has both primary and secondary storage, with primary serving as the short-term memory and secondary serving as the long-term memory.